Title: [List of various Hegeman and Lefferts family births, marriages, and deaths 2]
Date: circa 1700s-1800s
Creator: Hegeman family; Lefferts family
Description: This genealogical record was created by members of the Hegeman and Lefferts families to chronicle the births, marriages, and deaths of kin. The rites of passage listed in this document took place between 1720 and 1829. The different handwriting on the page indicates that several family members contributed to these records over extended periods of time. It was most likely created sometime after 1720.
Format: genealogy
Citation: List of various Hegeman and Lefferts family births, marriages, and deaths, circa 1700s-1800s; Lefferts family papers, ARC.145, box 4, folder 19; Brooklyn Historical Society.
Language: English; Dutch
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[List of various Hegeman and Lefferts family births, marriages, and deaths 2]